Project Partner 4 (PP4)
Vienna Board of Education European Office
The Vienna Board of Education (SSR Wien) is the school authority responsible for the organisation and content of school education for 6 to 18/19-year-olds in Vienna. Its "Sprachförderzentrum Wien [Vienna Language Support and Development Centre]" provides expertise on multilingualism and dealing with cultural diversity.
SSR Wien has been involved in numerous EU projects since 1997, either as lead or project partner (LP CERNET project with SK, CZ, HU; EdGATE, EdTWIN SK, CZ, HU; IBK-KSP SK, CZ; EdTRANS SK CZ CENTRAL EUROPE: LP ET-struct (2CE273P1) LP i.e. SMART (4CE429P1) PP and coop. partner in numerous Comenius and Erasmus + projects).